Wednesday, November 23, 2005

3 more years??????????????

I personally don't believe the American People can stand another three (3) years of Bush & Chaney. Just look at the mess this country is in, a trillion dollar deficit, over two thousand of or young men and women dead and thousands more wounded in a war that never should have happened, we became an aggressor nation, the peace making quality we enjoyed for years is gone, and some of the do-gooders are trying to remove all signs of GOD from our society, they seem to have forgotten the United States of America was formed on GODS laws. Then they cut the VA budget with all the wounded from Iraq coming on the scene, the cost of heating oil is out of sight, the cost of a gallon of gas still hovers around $2.00. The debacle that is taking place in the Gulf States is absolutely heart rendering and, the really bad thing is we're going to have to borrow money to rebuild those three states. and guess from whom? That's right, China.  And NOW, G.M. is laying off thirty plus thousand employees and here's the kicker; CHINA is getting in the act, they plan on manufacturing an SUV and small Sedan and set up sales facilities here in the United States. I'm not against China doing business with the United States, even if she is a communist country, so is Russia and we help them every time they ask us to, after all they was our ally during the 2nd  W.W. Just look at Japan, Germany and Italy, they were the AXIS, our sworn enemies. Japan has control of the car market, Germany is right there with her and Italy isn't far being. If this isn't enough to IMPEACH Bush and Chaney there's plenty more. If we don't do something soon America as we know it is headed down the toilet and, that's not far off.


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