Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Atachie' case combination lock

Can anyone out there help me figure out the combination for the Atachie'
case. It's a HERATAGE all leather. Please, if you know how to figure out
this combination let me know. IT IS NOT CLOSED I CAN STILL GET TO THE
PLUNGER but, I just replaced the levers that goes into the locks and am
afraid to lock it and not be able to unlock it.

Saturday, January 21, 2006


I know one way to make sure the troops that are fighting in Iraq and other
places get the body armor they need!

squad of military enlisted troops, use men/women from all branches, with
ME-16s loaded with blanks, take off the blindfolds and let them see the
troops aiming for their hearts and let them see how it feels to know not all
of them have Bullitt proof vest on. Let the troops fire the blanks which the
committee members don't know are blanks. Then cease ALL combat patrols and
engagements for however long it takes those dummies to approve the money for
the armor. I'll wager that ALL combat troops will have body armor within 1
week. IF they don't repeat the process only this time include the President
Vice President and cabinet, if this doesn't work next take all of congress
out to the Washington monument, I'll bet this will put the fear of GOD in
Personally, I can't understand how any, competent , Company Commander can,
in good
conscience send even one of his men into harms way without the necessary
equipment to give him every chance to survive the mission.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Rose Bowl Game 2006

January 5th, 2006

Dear Sports fan;

I just witnessed the best show of class I've seen in a long time and, a show of discipline that really amazed me.

I was watching the Rose Bowl football game between the Texas Longhorns & the USC Trojans. What amazed me was this: When the Texas player was tackled, he got up with the ball in his hand and would look for an official and throw/hand the ball the them.

When a USC player was tackled, he got up and would throw the ball on the ground away from any official and looked like he was going to cry. After they got beat by Texas, it really showed how immature they are, and how they can't stand to lose.

Now, I'm from California and have never been a USC fan for this reason: They think they are some kind of big shot. Oh, they win a lot of football games, 34 and 2 National Championships Some of them have been controversial because of dirty play, like the 1952 Notre Dame game, sack the quarter back then do a knee drop to his throat; that drew a healthy fine and the player was suspended. They're still a bunch of Nerds and the game tonight proves my point, NO CLASS AND, Texas whipped them 41 to 38 and IS the National Champion.

To perform the way Texas did showed real discipline and they should be proud of what they did to a second rate team like the Trojans.

Howard Mahoney

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

OLE" Georgie boy

Dear American;
Well what now? After every military advisor AND the Pope had advised Ole' Georgie Boy NOT to go into Iraq because Saddam Hussein was NOT a threat to world peace only a threat to his own people. You can forget the NON-EXISTENT WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION, the administration knew he had destroyed them after the first Gulf War. From what I just heard, we're going to have to deal with North Korea again AND Iran, We don't have enough troops with 150.000 deployed in Iraq and 30,000 plus in Afghanistan and over the rest of the world. Boy, we thought it was bad in 1950 when the North Korean's invaded South Korea. It looks like one of the solutions is another Nuclear bomb. A lot of civilians will die but like Japan, it will save millions of lives. I PRAY we don't have to resort to this but OLe' Georgie Boy is 100% responsible for everything that has and will happen on his Watch. 
Now, we have over 2000 dead Americans and many more coalition members plus thousands of wounded to care for and Ole' Georgie Boy wants to CUT VETERANS BENEFITS, what a slap in the face this is to us Veterans who answered the call. don't forget the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi's killed and wounded, plus, we've spent billions of tax payers dollars fighting a war that never should have happened.
I know the Iraqi's have just experienced their first free election but is that justification for what it cost in human lives and destruction of a country that we now are going to have to rebuild? I say not NO but HELL NO.
I watch that mealy mouthed liar stand up and smirk every time he thinks he has said something the people want to hear.
It reminds me of the politician who was stumping for the Indian vote, Every time he said something he thought they wanted to hear they would yell "UNGA, UNGA". After his speech the Chief took him for a walk around the reservation, they came to the horse stable, the Chief opened the gate for him to go in and cautioned him "Don't step in UNGA".
We'll never know IF John Kerry would have been a better Commander and Chief but, it my belief that he would have been because of his back ground. He might have changed his mind on some subjects and probably with good reason but From what his peers say, Republican and Democrat, he wasn't a liar. we can't say that about Ole' Georgie Boy. He's been a cheat ever since the first time his Mother (GOD BLESS HER) asked him where he was all night? He found out it is easier to lie than tell the truth.