Wednesday, December 07, 2005

December 7, 1941

This is the most infamous day in American history, it even exceeds 9/11. I SAY,"FORGET, MAYBE. FORGIVE, HELL NO, NEVER!" The Japanese have just about taken over the United States and, they did it without firing a single shot. The bad thing is WE HELPED THEM. When Japan surrendered we let General Douglas McArthur set up his own little kingdom, I've heard things from troops who were there on occupation duty that the Japanese people even bowed to him and he did nothing to stop it. It's to bad we we're a nation who forgave the Japanese population for all the atrocities they're military leaders committed against our troops and other troops and civilians. Japan should have been banned from the world of civilized nations. And forced into oblivion and her land holdings awarded to China, an ally at the time, the people left to survive on their own. I know, some of our troops committed the same type of atrocities but not on the scale the Japs did, they were more on an individual basis and when the people in command found it out some of our G.Is were executed. The Japs were rewarded for their actions. So again I say, "FORGET, MAYBE. FORGIVE, HELL NO, NEVER!"


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