Friday, December 09, 2005

Suicide Bombers not new

To the world populace December 6, 2005
I am amazed at how all the media reports about the persons who sacrifice their lives as suicide bombers, either wrapped with explosives or driving an explosive laden vehicle.
I guess they don’t remember the Japanese forcing the villagers on the pacific islands to put hand grenades under the clothing of infants and then hand the child to a G.I. pulling a string attached to the safety pin.
In Korea, strapping a machine gun to the back of a so called peasant who drops down when they approached a group of G.I.s, killing a number of them before they were killed.
In Vietnam, using children to deliver explosives to the kid loving G.I.sor, booby trapping a baby in a village then, making the baby cry so the G.I.s would pick it up and be killed along with other close troops.
Now, the suicide bombers are in Iraq and around the world. They have no regard for human life and, if you look at this you must be made aware of the one thing that is scary; all of these people are of the same class of persons, the oriental population of the world.
Most of them are descendants of Genghis Khan and the Mongolian race. It makes no difference if they are oriental or Muslim; they have no respect for human life! They are dedicated to killing Americans and other members of the civilized countries in the world.
How do we handle this? Only god knows the answer to this question. Maybe all of the natural disasters that are taking place all over the world is a message from him. Who knows?


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