Thursday, February 23, 2006

drug selling

You know in Thailand if you sell drugs they put holes in you no questions
and then they dump the drugs on top of the body. They have confiscated any
thing they thought to be purchased by drug money, paid off the national debt
and generaly made Thailand a better place to live, no drug addicts, there
are still people that have a hard time finding work but those that want get.
They also apparently set up whole towns to be self sufficient and funded for
two years to get training or projects going.

I see the Republic of China has signs in the airports out of country, that
drug trafficing is punishable by death. Perhaps the rest of the world should
take note, as these people here do not have a deterent. Death is the
optimum, no recourse.

In Thailand it is not a court ordered death, the police are are authorized
to eliminate drug pushers right on the spot, but must dump their drugs on
the body.

Your internet friend.

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