Saturday, February 25, 2006




My associate and I have developed and built a device to test the seven basic
functions of the hand to aid in the detection of the dreaded disease,
Carpal-Tunnel Syndrome which is caused mainly by Repetitive Motion Syndrome

This is a non-invasive test and causes no discomfort to the patient and
under normal conditions takes no more than 15 minutes for both hands. This
device has been given an approval to market by the F.D.A. under the name,
RMS-200. We will furnish the FDA # on request.

Dr. Stanley Plagenhoef PhD was with us from the inception of the device to
the completion of the production prototype. Dr. Plagenhoef took the
information gathered from testing over 300 person on the production
prototype and developed the data base we use today. These were generic test
performed over a period of one week and were taken first come first served,
we tested all sorts of persons from a 9 yr old female to a 92 yr old retired
truck driver. There were no appointments.

Dr. Plagenhoef is responsible for any written information pertaining to
Ergonomics and Bio-Mechanics available today.

To date, we have tested over 5000 persons, that's 9,999 individual test (
one person had only one hand ) without any kind of failure to the RMS-200,
in software or hardware, it is built to give long service. Once it is
calibrated it stays calibrated. In other words it's virtually trouble free
unless it is subjected to unusual abuse.

Since there are no hook up of wires or detection devices a lay person can be
trained to administer this test in less than 2 hrs., that's 15 minutes to
learn how to seat the patient for maximum efficiency and 1 3/4 hrs for
practice using another person therefore qualifying 2 persons at the same
time to use this device.

It is also possible because of its size and weight to take the RMS-200 into
the work place and test under actual working conditions without interfering
with the work process for more than 15 seconds at a time to determine the
exact cause of the problem, giving the employer the necessary information
to; Modify the job to fit the employees abilities instead of destroying the
employees ability to be productive and pain free for the term of their

The testing can be seen on screen in real time, analyzed and stored for
future viewing and, if necessary transmitted any where in the world during
real time or taken out of memory and transmitted or viewed at a later time,
the information gathered can be placed in an employees personnel file for
reference and could be important in the future. One important factor
involved in the RMS-200 is it's ability to pick out malingerers, it is
impossible to "trick" the RMS-200.

It has been our goal from the start to make this device available to
Industry and the Medical

Profession so they would have at their finger tips the only device as
accurate and easy to use as the RMS-200.

The RMS-200 has the ability to detect PRE CTS & RMS and by storing the data
making it available for review, measures can be implemented to keep from
doing permanent damage to the worker, thus protecting the work force from
years of pain and the feeling of being useless and in the long run
increasing the `bottom line' for the employer.

We make no medical claims about the functions of the RMS-200 .

The OSHA ruling on CTS & RMS has finally made it imperative for Industry and
the Medical Profession to utilize the advanced capabilities of the RMS-200
as a testing and preventive modality. We were alerted by OSHA in 1990 that
this was imminent, at that time they could not give a specific time/date.

When the RMS-200 was demonstrated to the 5 Southwest regional directors of
OSHA they were impressed with its simplicity and accuracy and the potential
to prevent most workplace injuries pertaining to CTS & RMS. The people at
OSHA said, " the unfortunate thing is our inability to force the Medical
Profession and Industry to buy and use it or, use the service if it is made
available through medical testing facilities".

In 1993 President Clinton advocated "PREVENTIVE MEDICINE", the RMS-200
performs that function. What more could the Medical Profession and Industry
want or need but a device that can forewarn them of the exact location a
worker is being injured and what function of the job is doing it, and,
Industry being warned it is destroying a workers ability to produce at their
fullest potential.

As expected the unit performed all specified function measurements as
intended and designed for. During field tests there were other specific
areas that had dramatic implications and applications.

The ability to discriminate all functional abilities and to accurately
measure simultaneously compound functional abilities, i.e., twist/push,
grip/deflection, etc.

In any cases the unit clearly demonstrated the problems were not a direct
function of the hand/wrist ability but were shown to be neurological pathway
impairment originating usually in the cervical region and even extending to
being influenced by deficiencies or impairment originating in the lumbar

Awareness in many cases that many strong, young and healthy individuals had
severe functional deficiencies they were totally unaware of.

Testing found that virtually all current medical interventions,
rehabilitation, therapy, testing and treatment modalities were adverse and
were usually a further causation of patient condition degradation.

The importance of initial as well as consistent monitoring as a preventative
measure cannot be stressed enough.

The significance of using the RMS-200 for job/work simulation and ergonomic

The specific applications in such critical functional jobs,
industrial/military, i.e., space shuttle arm manipulation, aircraft flight
operations, fly-by-wire controls almost exactly as RMS-200.

Please realize the actual implications and possibilities are yet to be
determined. The above were found during a very limited initial trial period
with very limited funds and access.

That the current design is viable virtually indefinitely with any upgrades
or software changes due to environment or application demands readily

These are some of the most pertinent findings that may not be readily
apparent to anyone new to the program and might save considerable time.

For further information and make arrangements to see the RMS-200 contact
James Harmon at 903-583-4277, this number answers 24/7. Or,


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